In the King James we read, “How long wilt thou go [gad] about, O thou backsliding daughter? For the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, a woman shall encompass a man.” What is the new thing God’s going to do [in Jeremiah 31:22] under the terms of the New Covenant [Jeremiah 31:31-34]? Most English translations mimic the KJV and some see this in a protective sense [NET & RSV. “protect a man;” The LXX adds “in safety”]. The CSB and NASB20 say “shelter a man.” But the CSB footnote says that a woman will “court” a man, which is admittedly different. The Amplified Bible adds in parenthesis the words, “tenderly love.”
Backsliding vs. Encompassing
The words “backsliding” and “encompassing” differ in spelling only by a single letter, and that letter is one of two different ‘s’ sounds, so they are homophones. We must assume this was deliberate on the part of the prophet. He might have chosen a better word for “encompass” but wanted to use this writing style to shock and awe us. In Jeremiah 31:21 the prophet exhorts Israel to return to Palestine and to the Lord. They turned “from” Him; now they must return back “to” Him!
The Woman
The idea of a woman “encompassing” a man means according to John Calvin, “Jehovah would make the feeblest of them more than a match for the most powerful of their foes.” In Jeremiah 31:11 we read, “For the LORD hath redeemed Jacob, and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he.” And He used a woman to do so? I can think of only one woman in the Bible that might fit that description: Esther [Esther 4:14].
Maybe the words amount to an aphorism as if the prophet were foretelling of a time when wives will take on a greater role or different role in relation to their husbands, maybe as protectress. This form of the word “to encompass” can mean “to no longer be aloft” toward her husband. Maybe they will show themselves more affectionate. [We, men, can only hope!]
Matthew Henry interpreted, “A woman [is] the virgin Mary, [who] enclosed in her womb the Mighty One [The Hebrew word used here for “man”]; … God is called … the Mighty God (Jeremiah. 32:18), as also is Christ in Isaiah. 9:6, where his incarnation is spoken of, as it is supposed to be here. He is El-Gibbor, the mighty God.”
The Man
What about considering the “woman” to be the Jewish nation and the man [the word references his strength, not gender] being the Lord? God calls Israel a “virgin” in verse 21. Verse 22 would then speak of a day when the Jewish people would once again embrace the Lord in their hearts. This interpretation supports verse 31-34 about the New Covenant and a new heart given to God’s people. It also makes more sense out of the first part of verse 22 [NKJV]: “How long will you gad about, O you backsliding daughter?”
The Signposts
God spoke of sign-posts (guide posts) they can read to identify the way back. Whether speaking literally of the trip to Jerusalem under Nehemiah or spiritually of repentance and serving God, they could not feign ignorance. These signposts could speak of actual monuments erected to a past filled with lessons learned along the way. In a literal sense, they will be returning to Judea from exile. In a spiritual sense, they have learned well the Schema [Deuteronomy 6:4] that God alone is the One and only true God. When Jeremiah awoke from his vision [Jeremiah 31:26] he shared God’s promise of the New Covenant which comes through Christ. “The restoration of Israel is grounded on God’s covenant in Christ…” [Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Commentary]. “Erect for yourself guideposts and look to the way you came. Return to your cities and your God.”
One More thing
But now consider one more thing, Isaiah 43:19, where God promises doing a “new thing” and asks if we will recognize it when it happens. “But, Lord, how can we, unless you tell us what and when?” He only gave us this: a woman shall encompass a man. The distinctions that once separated them and kept them so far apart will no longer be tools of dissension. A woman will be restored to her rightful Edenic place at a man’s side and as a man’s aid and companion [Genesis 2:20]. Relationships will be restored. Hearts will be made new and there will be peace. The Bride of Christ will be one with her Lord. [Numbers 6:24-26].