Of Heavenly Things

  • Eternity [I John 5:13];
  • infinite and unconditional love and forgiveness [I John 4:18];
  • a peace that knows no threat, no anxiety, no fear [Philippians 4:7];
  • a joy with unlimited energy [I Peter 1:8];
  • a voice that never tires [Revelation 4:8];
  • a song that is ever new [Psalm 40:3]

…we have no words for these! The language of heaven cannot be translated into our current tongue. The realm of heaven bears no comparison to our present sphere: …no sun or moon and no churches, [Revelation 21:22-23] Just to be able to look upon Him, Who gave all to get us there, will become a life-changing experience. [I John 3:2]

Still it’s fun to ask questions, some ridiculous, some silly, some serious enquiries, that need not be answered.

  • If nothing dies, what will happen to the clippings when we trim the rose bushes … will there be no rose bushes or don’t they continually grow? Will we grow?
  • And what if God’s idea of human beauty is 500 pounds, wrinkled skin, and white hair?
  • I plan to gorge myself at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Are there bathrooms? or is heaven’s ambrosia fiber-free?
  • Must God wipe away “all” tears? [Revelation 7:17; 21:4] What about tears of joy!
  • Will there be flies or gnats or chiggers there? Hope not! But I think dogs and cats are fine. [Romans 8:22]
  • The Bible mentions streets of gold [Revelation 21:21] but the pavement is translucent. Is it really gold? Gold—for that matter silver, and platinum—has no value there. …not to me! I think its a reflection of God’s glory off whatever is beneath our feet.
  • Are we going to drink wine in heaven!? [Matthew 26:29] Don’t tell the evangelicals and fundamentalists—unless this is just grape juice.
  • Revelation 22:2: One tree with 12 different fruit—not exactly genetically similar to the present morphology. [Genesis 1:11]

I should be permitted to expand my imagination into regions of truth I have yet to explore or realize. I should be able to dream beyond my current reality. I have God’s permission to hope for a tomorrow that exceeds all current expectations of happiness—though the details be known only to Him. [Deuteronomy 29:29; Acts 2:28] I like to picture what I cannot put into words: a mind and a heart that no longer knows the restrictions imposed upon them by this life and its weaknesses. [Hebrews 9:26] I have a right, given of faith, to conceive of a sinless world. How will things be in a theocracy under grace ..without law? The concept of “law” or righteousness will be defined  upon the heart! [2 Corinthians 3:3]

Since ancient times no ear has heard or perceived, no eye has seen, beside You, God, what You will do for those who wait on You. — Isaiah 64:4

However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him. — I Corinthians 2:9

It is mostly a place that beforehand
We imagine in the words of a song
Of a promised though never explored land,
Where we know in our souls we belong. [2 Corinthians 5:8]

We are dreamers who share in the promise
Of a beautiful world to possess—
Though for many a sad, doubting Thomas
They must see to believe it, I guess [John 20:28-29]

It might seem whenever we’re hurting
Much too fancy a thought to be true,
But “a place” our Lord is asserting
“I go and prepare for you.”[John 14:1-2]

Oh! The discourse of men can’t explain this!
What assurance of infinite grace!
Words tied to this life can’t make plain this
Gloriously incomprehensible place! [Philippians 4:7]

If we try to interpret this picture,
This world in its wondrous array,
There is little, alas, in the Scripture
To redress any mournful dismay. [1 Corinthians 15:51

So whenever our hearts sink in sorrow
Our eyes are awash with our tears,
Let us cling to a hoped for tomorrow
When God will have quelled all our fears.[1 Thessalonians 4:13]

These are glories not seen but in vision
Of joys unimagined, unheard;
God’s promise is God’s sure provision
If we will but trust in His Word. [1 Corinthians 2:9

The Spirit encouragingly whispers
Of glories outside of this realm.
For us who by faith become listeners
Of wonders that now overwhelm, [John 16:13]

Be assured,  what this life must conceal,
In that moment, that one final sigh,
A new world God’s grace will reveal,
“In the twinkling,” Paul said, “of an eye.” [1 Corinthians 15:52]

We shall enter to dancing and singing
Wearing righteousness as a white gown
With heavenly accolades ringing
And eternal life worn as a crown. [James 1:12]

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