The Letter

Dear Grandchild,

I have written this brief work to point out to you that God is much more than a church word—or a word spoken in the heat of emotion.  God can be real to you. But knowing God or believing in God is not possible without a desire to talk to Him.  This is the same for any relationship.  To get to know someone, we need to communicate with them.  We need to talk to them.  The benefit of praying, talking to God, is a peaceful awareness that He is real.  There is no simpler way of saying it.   The verse from the Bible on the title page is God’s promise to all of us:

But if … you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.  — Deuteronomy 4:29

No doubt this raises questions as to what this must mean.  Do we have to attend church?  Must we say grace at the dinner table?  What is “prayer” all about anyways? Well, the burden of this book is not to tell you what to do but to provide you with insight to discover answers for yourself.

This book is my journey in prayer as I grew older.  It is a witness to what hopefully I have discovered about God and a little insight into a few verses in the Bible.  I found out, for one, that Psalm 34:18 is true:

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

I have never cried unto the Lord when He didn’t hear me. This may sound like something straight out of a fairy tale but this has been your grandfather’s life.  I have talked to the Lord about all kinds of things that troubled me and I have found Him to be a friend.  I mention a few of these conversations in my writings even though I take a chance that my reader will consider me a bit crazy.

Oh, the poem in the forward: it is not just a quaint rhyme to me.  Yes, I wrote it and it has a lot of meaning in each stanza.

I struggled with the title because, obviously, I wanted it to sum up in a few words what my story is all about.  He is The Searchable God.  Searchable, according to the dictionary, is a computer term: to look through a database for information.  I could not imagine a better modern term to interpret Deuteronomy 4:29, “…seek [Him]… find [Him]…” The subtitle is the main theme of this work in a phrase: The Personal God We Can Talk To.

I have been honest—as honest as I know how to be while trusting my memory.  I want you to know that  I, your grandfather, have you always on my mind and heart and I have been asking God to reveal Himself to you when the time is right.

Love always,

Your Grandpa King

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One Response to The Letter

  1. Demetrius says:

    Having read this I thought it was really enlightening.
    I appreciate you spending somne time and energy to put this article together.
    I once again find myself spending a significant amount of time both reading and posting comments.
    But so what, it was sttill worth it!

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